• Hi I'm

About Me

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Harrison Fisher, I am a Computer Science graduate looking for a Junior Software Engineer position. I have considerable experience in C++, which I utilized as my primary programming language throughout all my college years. Some of the classes where I worked with C++ include:

  • Advanced Programming with C & C++
  • Program Design & Data Structures
  • Object-Oriented Programming with C++
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Data Structures & Algorithms

Additionally, I used C++ during a summer internship at Genentech. While pursuing my studies, I also gained exposure to Python and Java through my Programming Language Concepts class.

During a team project at California State University, for a software engineering course, I had to work in a cross functional team. We had to write client and server code written in Java for a chat system. The role I had for the Chat System team project was everything on the Client side. This included the User Interface and I did not have a lot of experience on it. There was not a lot of information given by the teacher either so I had to do my own research. I was able to search online and watch a lot of videos for different aspects that the interface required. After a lot of trial and error, with some resources not helping my specific use case, I was eventually able to make the interface exactly how our Software Requirements Specification imagined our interface to look.

Currently, I am working on several projects using C++ and Python while looking for a full-time job. I will post the projects here soon as part of my portfolio. I take pride in the code I create and I’m motivated to keep growing my skills through hard work during the course of my career.

My Specialty

My Skills















Html, JavaScript, CSS





California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA

May 2023

GPA: 3.077

Dean's List: Fall 2022 - GPA 3.650

Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA

May 2021

GPA: 2.948


Work Experience

Informatics Internship: Genentech, Inc. Summer 2022

    Duties Included:
  • Develop an open-source base-call-to-FASTQ converter to replace bcl2fastq2
    • Researching about bcl2fastq by Illumina, and studying its code to see how it works
    • Writing code to re-create bcl2fastq
    • Connecting to a SSH server for test data for the bcl2fastq program
  • Implement a C/C++ software that can execute the conversion task in parallel
  • Extend this package to support alternative sequencing technologies, such as MGI sequencing
  • Building a docker image
  • Updating docker files and commit/push them to GitHub
My Portfolio

Recent Work

During my College years I collaborated on several Computer Science Projects. Below are links to some of these Projects and to work that I’m actively developing. Hover over each tile to see a summary of each link. Please feel free to check them out and let me know if you have any questions.

Chat System (Java)

CSUEB Software Engineering Group Project, written in Java. I wrote the majority of the client-side code, as well as some of the shared code between the client and server.


This is a repository with miscellaneous projects at California State University - East Bay.


This is a link to a forked repository for a CSUEB Operating Systems class project with two new built-ins added to an existing simple implementation of a shell in C.

Minesweeper (C++)

This is a link to a repository with a demo video of a Diablo Valley College final project for the course Object-Oriented Programming C++. I had complete freedom in choosing the project. The only requirements were to use Microsoft Foundation Classes, write it in C++, and utilize OOP.

RESMS-System (C++)

This is a Real Estate Sales Management (RESMS) System project written in C++. It allows you to view and modify different properties to a save file, along with different details such as price, location and property size.